A photo captured the bridge in the morning.
Shot on iPhone 2022-09-01T06:10:57+07:00
good morning,

Hữu Phong • driving

August 2024

When I drive, I realize it's also how I live my life. There's a strange similarity, almost like a hint. Is it similar because both follow some kind of rule, or are they simply designed alike to remind each other?

When driving, I see everything as a simplified version of life. All sorts of types, all classes, all personalities, all situations, and all the positives and negatives. Sometimes, I see myself as part of the negatives, but also existing in the positives. If I handle my life like I handle driving, things might make a lot more sense, because life is more complex and it's hard to realize how to deal with it appropriately. By linking it to driving, I can constantly remind myself of everything and how I would handle it.

This situation is like... when driving, how would I handle it? What similar thing do I need to do?

What I'm doing, it's like... when driving, am I being dangerous, right? How would I handle it similarly?

These are the questions I often ask myself.

1. Journey and Destination

When driving, I see that everyone has different destinations, even if their journeys share the same road for a while, there will come a time when someone will turn in another direction. Even if we stand next to each other at a red light, who knows, once the timer hits zero and turns green, who will continue straight and who will turn another way? On each road, we meet different people, at each turn, we meet someone else, but ultimately, we are left alone with the person we go home with.

Even if the destination is the same, the journey to get there is different. Each person might choose a different path, turn in different directions, but in the end, they reach the chosen destination. Whether fast or slow, whether together or not, if the destination is the same, we will get there. Some wait, some intentionally slow down to feel everything along the way, some encounter situations, and then anyone we meet on the road is a coincidence because at that moment we are very close to each other.

I call it coincidence because the people we travel with on the road are strangers, even if we travel side by side, on the same road. Only when we accidentally look at each other, smile, sometimes remind each other of something, or help each other when something goes wrong, that's when I call it luck.

To get one moment of luck, you need at least a million coincidences, and for one coincidence, you need to go through ten million five hundred thousand moments.

I always tell myself what I just said, don't believe it.

Life, when you look back, operates just like that, doesn't it?

2. Speed

When driving, whether fast or slow, it's always a choice. Risks arise from that, and whether success in reaching the destination comes from that too. Many choose to go really fast, while others opt for a leisurely pace.

If you drive really fast, you might reach your destination sooner, but there's also the possibility of an accident. Some people might never continue their journey, some might have to slow down for life just because they sped up for a moment. Some can get back up, some never can.

If you drive at a normal or slow pace, the risks are reduced somewhat. We can see everything around us more clearly, but it's also what creates coincidences. Who knows what might happen? But certainly, it will be much safer. If the road you're on is new, the first time, speeding might easily lead to getting lost, or even plunging into a ravine because you don't know what lies ahead.

The journey can be as important as the destination, and if you slow down, I think there's a high chance I'll have both. If you only focus on the destination and overlook the interesting things along the journey, that's also a pity.

Life, when you look back, operates just like that, doesn't it?

3. Laws

When driving, following the law is mandatory, yet sometimes I break the rules, and so does everyone else.

When breaking the law:

  1. If I'm really lucky, I'll be stopped by traffic police and fined according to the law.
  2. If I'm less lucky, nothing happens to me, everything stays the same.
  3. If luck isn't on my side, I might pay with my life or health.

Why does this sound so strange?

If I do something wrong, it gradually forms a habit. In case 1, which happening is like a reminder that I need to do things right. Sometimes I don't do it on purpose, or sometimes I do, but in the end, it's still wrong? I need to be reminded. That's a lucky thing for me.

Because as mentioned, if it becomes a habit, it will create many moments, and moments will create coincidences, and coincidences might lead to luck.

Breaking the law while driving is terrible because most people adhere to it to some extent. If I do wrong, I might inadvertently or intentionally affect others' interests, and also put myself at unforeseen risks.

Sometimes this leads to conflicts, and we've all seen, to some degree, what happens on the streets. Sometimes a small incident gets blown out of proportion, and those involved lose control.

Life, when you look back, operates just like that, doesn't it?

4. Obstacles

When driving, sometimes I encounter obstacles.

The thing to do should just be to remain patient, sometimes slow down, and stay away from those things.

Everything will be fine, and I can still get to where I want to go.

Most will act as described above, but a few sometimes choose to resist or try to win.

And then, accidents happen, conflicts occur, unwanted things happen.

Life, when you look back, operates just like that, doesn't it?

5. Experience

When driving, calmness, understanding, and awareness of skills are crucial elements.

Risks are always likely to occur.

There are always solutions to these issues, but those solutions need to be learned beforehand, need to be practiced to become a reflex.

Life, when you look back, operates just like that, doesn't it?


The ultimate goal is for everyone to reach where they need to go, everyone wants to go home, everyone wants to be happy.

Choosing the best way to achieve that when driving,And making similar choices when looking at other aspects of life.

In reality, life is much more complex than that. Even so, fundamentally, it still parallels with many different forms.

I feel it's like that.

Sometimes I find it correct, sometimes it sounds silly.

But after many years, thinking this way has helped me a lot.