A photo captured the beach in the afternoon.
Shot on iPhone 2023-02-08T16:30:53+07:00
on the beach, alone.

Hữu Phong • walking on the sand, and gazing at the sea

September 2024

I realized I really like this, from many months ago. Honestly, it's probably what I would write under "Your Hobbies" whenever I get the chance.

Walking slowly on the sand,
Sometimes taking off my shoes, walking near the water,
Feeling the smoothness of the wet sand, gazing at the sea,
As the waves roll onto the shore,
The sunlight shimmering at dawn, and glowing beautifully as dusk begins to fade,
Each gust of wind blowing all around,
The sound of the waves overwhelming everything,
Yet, it's also the sound of the waves that makes everything silent, leaving only my inner voice.

Taking a deep breath in, and exhaling.
That’s when my mind can pause for a moment.
It’s truly peaceful, very peaceful.
And it’s also the moment,
When I can feel the greatest sense of gratitude,
It's right there.

Occasionally, I like to kick some sand towards the sea,
Or gently kick at the waves to splash the water back,
It's fun for me, but it also makes me quickly bored.

The waves will keep coming towards me continuously.
Each wave, although different, is still just a wave.
Whether it's high or low, strong or gentle, whether it brings sand, shells, seaweed, or even trash? A small fish wriggling, or a dead jellyfish? Anything goes. They are fundamentally the same.
They will always be waves like that, unchangeable, and should not be changed.

Smiling and walking on,
The waves will also continue ...

Sometimes, I sit down on the sand,
Other times, I lie down on the sand, resting my head and turning to look at the sea.

Talking to myself,
Asking questions and answering them myself,
Each wave of the sea,
It's like what goes on in my mind,
I can find peace, perspective, clarity, discover answers, and know what needs to be done.
It always happens so miraculously,
Even though at times it feels ordinary,
It just works better,
Like magic.
As long as I don't speak out loud,
Just let everything work within my mind,
The magic will always happen.

Sometimes I wonder,

If I fall asleep, will my wishes come true for a moment?Like a movie I really love [1].
Or could I step into the limbo of my dream, where I can close the chapters that deserve to end there, and return to reality with a spinning top that finally stops.
Just like another movie I love [2].


I like walking on the sand, and gazing at the sea,
When the tide recedes.

That’s when the sand stretches the widest,
What’s beneath, what’s been hidden, gradually reveals itself.
Sometimes I’ll see a path emerge, leading me to an island.
Sometimes I’ll realize there’s a deep hole, and it’ll panic me if I didn’t know it was there.
Sometimes I’ll discover creatures I’d never see if the tide hadn’t gone out.
Sometimes the small rock I see bobbing on the surface is part of a giant rock below.
Sometimes the calm sea I see transforms into a vast field of stakes covered in oysters.
And if the tide didn't recede, sometimes I wouldn't be able to fully imagine how small I am at the intersection of sand, sea, wind, and sky.

The tide is cyclical,
It will repeat,
It might look the same,
but each time it's different.

Footprints in the sand,
Not erased by the sea water.
The wind will cover them with sand anyway.
There will be no trace left.
It would also be hard to recognize if the footprints were still there.
Because it's sand, after all.
Remember it.

I'm gonna build a house in a seaside city.